Gap of 42

Gap of 42

Two dissimilar bodies meet acrobatically.

42 cm separate them in hight, 42 kg in weight.

A difference that connects and creates possibilities instead of being an obstacle.

Extraordinary acrobatics make the audience marvel, subtle humour makes them smile. Chris and Iris show in a sympathetic and inspiring way how relations shift and how they meet at eye level.

Philosophical questions are raised, absurd moments arise and a glimps of magic surprises.

Three wooden objects equalize the difference in height and become a thirds partner on stage.

The piece is a compilation of hand-to-hand acrobatics, physical theatre, dance and object theatre.

Acrobatics with precision and ease; funny, poetic and original.

65 minutes for theatre

35/60 minutes for open air

"Seldom has one seen a dance or acrobatic couple

that portrays the great themes of being so subtly,

so poetically."

(Bernd Guido-Weber, Swabian)

"The work supposes, precisely, a praise of the difference,

it serves to eliminate complexes,

it praises the beings that are different,

it makes them unique, special, dissimilar."

"Few things are as beautiful as a difference

that is not a barrier but a bridge."

(La Rioja - Diego Marin A.)


Artists on stage:                   Iris Pelz | Christopher Schlunk

Directing:                                Iris Pelz | Christopher Schlunk

Outside-eye:                          Stefan Schönfeld

Music:                                      Schroeder (with Jan Fitschen / Felix Borel / Bella Nugent)

Object theatre coach:           Anne-Kathrin Klatt

Dance coach:                          Laura Börtlein

Light design:                          Marvin Wöllner


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